Yishun Christian Church (Lutheran)
An Intergenerational Spiritual Community
Reflecting the Glory of God

An inspiring overview on YCCL-led missions to Cambodia provided by our Senior Pastor Rev Dr William Chang. Filled with moving anecdotal details, this sharing, together with Brother Leon Cheng’s presentation, highlighted the need for Christians to evangelise and heed our calling by Christ.
Click on the video and be immersed in YCCL’s evangelical legacy!

God’s Kingdom in the Kingdom of Wonder
Transcribed by Kylie Chia (originally published in LCS Newsletter July 2023 edition)
Cambodia is known in Khmer as “Preah Reacheanachak Kampuchea”, or “Kingdom of Wonder”. And it was made more wondrous with the gospel being shared among its people as Yishun Christian Church (Lutheran) set out on a mission trip to Cambodia in end May 2023. Senior Pastor Rev Dr William Chang led his team to bless Cambodian believers and those yet to embrace the faith. The team was in turn blessed by the warm reception of the people they met, and some of them share their reflections below:
柬埔寨在高棉语中被称 为“Preah Reacheanachak Kampuchea”,即“ 奇迹之国”。义顺基督教会(信 义会)于今年五月底,在张从治牧师博士的带领下,组队前往柬埔寨进行宣教活动,向当地信徒以及未接受基督的群 众分享福音和神国的祝福,让奇迹之国更添神迹。与此同时,宣教团队也在当地民众的热情款待中感受到深厚的祝福。以下是一些队员的心声:

God's Heartbeat
(Matthew 28:19-20)
Sister Shirley Cheng delivered an engaging sermon on the need for Christians to share God's heartbeat through endeavoring to evangelise. Click on the video to understand why we must be on fire for God!